Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (2024)

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Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (1)

I think it’s really important to have a number of very simple recipes nailed down. It’s the beginnings of knowing what to have for dinner when you get home, rather than your mind going blank. From these simple dishes you can create quick and easy meals and then add different flavours for twists on the dish to keep it interesting.

If you’ve got a decent tomato soup recipe in your cooking arsenal then you are sorted for an easy and light mid-week meal. When you’re tired after work, a lovely bowl of rich tomato soup with buttery rustic bread is one of life’s true simple pleasures.

This recipe is inspired by the Mary Berry tomato soup recipe from her ‘Cooks the Perfect’ book. This tomato soup recipe is a great foundation to then build out flavours, such as a tomato and basil soup. Depending on how much time you have you can make tomato soup as simple or as gourmet as you like. That’s the beauty of it.

Tomato soup with fresh tomatoes is a must, whichever way you make it. And for me, the extra effort (which I’m not sure can even be called effort because it’s so easy) of roasting tomatoes is invaluable for making the depth of flavour skyrocket.

So, this soup inspired by the Mary Berry tomato soup recipe has beautiful base of roasted tomatoes, and is finished with fresh basil and a dash of double cream.

Mary Berry Inspired Tomato Soup

The Mary Berry tomato soup recipe calls for sieving the tomatoes to ensure a smooth texture. In addition to a few ingredient tweaks I have also chosen to skip this step from my own roasted tomato soup to avoid food wastage, and to keep things easy. Blending the soup removes all lumps if desired.


  • Serves 2
  • 800g vine ripened tomatoes, cut into chunks
  • 1 small red onion, coarsely chopped
  • 3 garlic, minced
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 400ml vegetable stock
  • 1 tbsp tomato puree
  • Handful of fresh basil leaves
  • Double cream to drizzle

Preheat your oven to 200c and in a large, deep roasting tray scatter the tomatoes, onion and minced garlic. Drizzle over the olive oil and season well with salt and pepper. Roast for 35 minutes until you have lovely soft roasted tomatoes and onion.

Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (2)

Remove the tray from the oven and add the tomatoes and onion to a pot along with the vegetable stock, tomato purée and basil leaves to the tray. Stir to combine the ingredients and bring up to heat on medium.

Once brought up to temperature, use a stick blender to create your soup and to bring it to your desired consistency.

Serve in bowls and to make it look ultra delicious finish with a drizzle of cream and a twist of cracked black pepper. (Tip for the cream: use a chopstick or skewer to swirl the cream nicely into the soup)

Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (3)

The Mary Berry recipe calls for the tomatoes to be passed through a seive. This will give you that clean and classic ultra smooth soup, but it also creates an awful lot of food waste. I prefer to keep all of the tomato and goodness. I also love a soup with a little texture to it.

Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (4)

Recipe Summary

Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (5)

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4.67 from 3 votes

Mary Berry Tomato Soup

My take on Marry Berry's delicious roasted tomato soup recipe, using vine-ripened cherry tomatoes, and drizzled with cream to finish.

Prep Time5 mins

Cook Time40 mins

Total Time45 mins

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: English

Keyword: mary berry, roasted tomatoes, tomato soup

Servings: 2 people

Calories: 200kcal

Author: Jo Kenny

Cost: £2.00


  • Roasting tray

  • Blender

  • Chopping board

  • Knife

  • Large pot


  • 800 grams tomatoes
  • 1 red onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (extra virgin is preferable)
  • 400 ml vegetable stock
  • 1 tbsp tomato puree
  • 6 fresh basil leaves
  • 3 tbsp double cream (optional)


  • Preheat oven to 200C (390F)

  • In baking tray, place tomatoes, onion and garlic

  • Drizzle with oil

  • Season with salt and pepper

  • Roast for 35 minutes until veg starting to brown and soften

  • Remove from oven, add to a pot and stir in vegetable stock, half of the basil and tomato puree

  • Once brought up to temperature blend to your desired consistency

  • Serve your roasted tomato soup in bowls, and dress with a drizzle of double cream and a twist of pepper.

More Easy Recipes

If you like the sound of this tomato soup recipe and want more easy, light bite recipes, then here’s some that I think you might like:

  • Curried Parsnip Soup
  • Caprese Salad with Creamy Pesto Dressing
  • Smoked Salmon Chopped Salad

Good Tomatoes Matter

When cooking simple dishes, their success hangs on the ingredients being great. Tomato soup with fresh tomatoes is a must, and vine ripened tomatoes are ideal; they are so much sweeter and flavoursome.

To ensure your tomatoes are even tastier, avoid putting them in the fridge and instead let them sit in a bowl on a sunny windowsill to ripen and sweeten. This is a great trick for all tomatoes, so if you choose loose tomatoes rather than vine ripened (they are a lot cheaper) then this is a great way to help maximise the flavour in them.

Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (6)

Soup Presentation

You know the saying – you eat with your eyes! But you also eat with your heart. The experience of food is so much more than the flavour and I think soup needs to conjure feelings of comfort. It’s a nostalgic, soothing meal and every aspect of how you serve it can enhance that feeling.

  • Tear your bread and mozzarella – for a rustic, country feel.
  • Choose a crusty bread – something with character and bite. Place a lovely baguette or cob on a bread board and let people at the table help themselves to torn chunks or thickly cut slices.
  • Use real, salted butter – a thick later of salted butter that melts into your bread on contact with the soup is such a joy. Spread can’t compare!
  • Garnish your soup – a drizzle of cream or yoghurt, and a sprinkling of cracked black pepper goes such a long way to elevating the look of soup from ‘meh’ to truly enticing.
  • Pick your favourite bowl – I know you have one. Everything tastes better from it, right? Now’s the time to fight for it.

Follow Girl Eats World

If you like your food then come and join the online community at @jogirleatsworld on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter. If you try one of my recipes then please tag me as I share all of your cooking to my profiles.

Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (7)

Did you know that I have a cookbook?

That’s right, my debut cookbook launched April 2022!Cook It, Eat It, Live Itis a vibrant and varied collection of personal recipes straight from my own dinner table, to guarantee no more boring dinners.

You’ll find recipes to suit all seasons and appetites, with inspirations taken from British, Japanese and Caribbean cuisine. Recipes are punctuated with travel stories, food diaries and a personal philosophy for the every day joy that food can bring to life.

Cook It, Eat It, Live Ithas received fantastic reviews!Check them out


Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (8)

Mary Berry Tomato Soup Recipe | Simple and Delicious | Girl Eats World (2024)


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