How to Make the Perfect Jamie Oliver's Lancashire Hotpot- Lamb Recipes (2024)

Lancashire hotpot is a dish made traditionally from lamb or mutton and onion, topped with sliced potatoes, left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat. Originating in the days of heavy industrialization in Lancashire in the North West of England.

Lancashire hotpot is one of the best stew in the world. It requires a minimum of effort to prepare and a dish that makes a virtue of simplicity. The hot pot referred to is a pottery dish used to cook casseroles in British cuisine. The name, often assumed to refer to the cooking vessel used (traditionally a tall, straight-sided earthenware pot) is actually more likely to be connected what lies within, which originally would have been a assortment or mixture of ingredients – whatever was to hand that day.

This traditional lamb, onion, and potato stew from northern England is light enough for summer nights and takes just a few minutes to assemble. Serve with buttered carrots or broccoli.

Millworkers are often said to have invented this particular hotpot, but, as has been pointed out, few people would have had ovens at home in the mid-19th century, when the first recipes appear; perhaps it was baked in the communal bread oven as it cooled, or the recipe may have originated somewhat higher up the social scale. Whatever the true history, it is an indisputable northern England classic.

Why Mutton is Tastier than Lamb?

Yearlings, or hogget, are sheep that are between one and two years, while mutton are usually aged two or older. Mutton is often derived from culled breeding rams and ewes, and is sold at a low return or bred specifically for the specialty market.

Cheaper to buy, yearlings and mutton offer a unique repertoire of recipes and are traditionally eaten during fall and winter when lambs are unavailable. Older sheep meat has a higher concentration of fatty acids, which alters the flavor and texture. With more connective tissue, the meat has a tighter texture and a gamey flavor. It suits slow-cooked and highly seasoned stews and pot-roasts. Mutton even has its own fan club, with Prince Charles as its patron. In England, the Mutton Appreciation Society recommends buying fresh mutton between October and March because the sheep have access to summer and autumn pastures, allowing them to gain extra weight. The animals are also finished on root crops and silage to prepare them for market. The darker the color, the older the animal. Baby lamb meat is pale pink, while Spring lamb is pinkish-red, and mutton is a deep shade of burgundy.

Aging of Lamb or Mutton

Lamb benefits from a short hanging period to age and mature the meat. The aging process is quicker for lamb than for beef. Traditional butchers hang lamb for about one week, although meat reared for the mass market gets less than three days. Meat reared specifically as mutton favors a two-week hanging.

Best Hotpot Preparation Techniques

There are many regional variations. It is frequently found listed amongst the usual pub grub dishes in hostelries around Britain. The basic recipe consists of a mix of lamb and vegetables (carrot, turnip, potatoes, onions or leeks) covered with sliced potato. Sometimes lamb kidneys are included in the dish. Modern variants may use beef or bacon chops instead of lamb, or have a pastry topping. As much food can be added as will fit in the pot.

The traditional recipe once included oysters, but increasing cost eliminated them from common usage. Pickled red cabbage or beetroot are often served as an accompaniment. In some areas Lancashire cheese is also served with the dish.

Flavor can be enhanced with seasoning; salt and pepper would be the most traditional, and any other ingredients available in the kitchen. Some stock is usually added to cover the contents while it cooks, though some recipes rely on a well-sealed pot on a low heat to retain enough moisture within the meat, onion and potato.

Slow cooking tenderizes firm or tough cuts and allows seasoned liquid to mingle with the meat. Braising and pot-roasting are best for seared whole cuts, while stewing is beneficial to smaller pieces of lamb. Braising usually requires that the level of liquid is no more than halfway up the side of the meat. This prevents the meat from drying out and provides enough liquid heat to break down the connective tissue and tougher flesh. As an extension of this technique, stewing fully immerses the meat in liquid, letting the moist heat permeate the flesh. All slow-cooked lamb is served well-done.

Preparation Time:20 minutes Cook:1 hr, 40 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Servings: Serves 4


2 pounds (900 g) boneless rib or shoulder, cut into 1 1/2-inch (4-cm) pieces
salt and black pepper
1 teaspoon (5 g) dried thyme
2 bay leaves
2 large onions, peeled and sliced
1- 1/2 pounds (680 g) potatoes, peeled and sliced
1- 1/2 cups (350 ml) lamb or vegetable stock
sunflower oil or melted butter, for glazing


1) Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C). Place the lamb in a Dutch oven or a large ovenproof casserole dish. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle over the thyme and bay leaves. Add the onions, then arrange the potatoes on top in overlapping layers.

2) Slowly pour the stock into the dish. Brush the top of the potatoes with oil or butter. Cover and cook for 2 1/2 hours, or until the meat is tender.

3) Increase the oven temperature to 400°F (200°C). Remove the lid and bake for another 30 minutes, or until the potatoes are golden.

Quick Tips:

This dish would have originally been made with mutton meat, from sheep aged 1 1/2 years and over. Chops from fully grown hill sheep would be stood upright around the edge of a tall ceramic pot, with the vegetables placed in the center. For a more rustic recipe, use bone-in chops as well as boneless meat.

Watch a related quick video tutorial: How to Make the Perfect Lancashire Hotpot

Lancashire Hotpot Calorie Counter


Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 Pack (454 g)

Per Serving%

Daily Value*


Calories from Fat123

Total Fat13.6g




Dietary Fiber4.5g



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How to Make the Perfect Jamie Oliver's Lancashire Hotpot- Lamb Recipes (2024)


How does Gordon Ramsay cook lamb? ›

And when you have a gorgeous cut, like a rack of lamb, you can cook it the good ol' Gordon Ramsay way—which is to say, lightly pan-sear it first, then baste it with an herby, garlicky butter, and finally finish it off in the oven until it's still pink and juicy in the middle. It comes out perfectly every time.

What is the difference between Lancashire hotpot and Irish stew? ›

* Lancashire hotpot includes kidney and Worcestershire sauce (probably a later addition), Irish stew never does. * Irish stew is cooked completely on the stove, whereas hotpot is cooked in the oven, so you don't get the layer of browned potatoes on top, rather potatoes that have stewed in considerably more liquid.

How to cook lamb steaks with Jamie Oliver? ›

Starting fat side down, sear the lamb in a non-stick frying pan on a medium-high heat for 10 minutes, turning regularly until gnarly all over but blushing in the middle, or use your instincts to cook to your liking.

How long to cook hotpot? ›

Traditional Lancashire Hot Pot
  1. Prep Time: 10 mins.
  2. Cook Time: 2 hrs 15 mins.
  3. Total Time: 2 hrs 25 mins.
Oct 22, 2021

What is the most popular seasoning for lamb? ›

Fresh rosemary, fresh garlic, lemon zest, black pepper, and salt are simple but amazing flavors that pair amazingly with the lamb! Each of these ingredients adds its unique warmth and depth to enhance the flavor of the dish.

What is the preferred cooking method for lamb? ›

It can be traditionally roasted but is best slow-roasted, pot-roasted or braised with liquid until practically falling apart. Shoulder can also be diced for stewing, or cut into shoulder chops. A pre-sliced roast is convenient, but it tends to dry out in the oven.

What does the top layer of a Lancashire hotpot consist of? ›

Stir in the stewing lamb and kidneys and 2 bay leaves, then turn off the heat. Arrange 900g peeled and sliced potatoes on top of the meat, then drizzle with a little more dripping. Cover, then place in the oven for about 1½ hrs until the potatoes are cooked.

Why is it called Lancashire hotpot? ›

Hotpot became associated with Lancashire. In the OCF the food historian Roy Shipperbottom writes: It may be that local cheap coal (used in locally made kitchen ranges) and the fact that the potato came early into use in Lancashire combined to make this dish popular.

Why is it called hobo stew? ›

Mulligan stew, also known as hobo stew, is a type of stew said to have been prepared by American hobos in camps in the early 1900s. Another variation of mulligan stew is "community stew", a stew put together by several homeless people by combining whatever food they have or can collect.

What makes lamb so tender? ›

Slow cooking in liquid transforms tougher cuts of lamb into fork-tender meat.

Should I sear lamb before baking? ›

For the perfect roast lamb, we recommend seasoning the surface of the meat, and then searing it, especially fat side down in a pan before roasting. Why bother with searing? Contrary to some stories, searing is less about locking in moisture, and all about improving the flavour!

Should you sear lamb before slow cooking? ›

Sear the meat before braising for big flavor and a crusty caramelized exterior. Don't skip the searing step; it imparts such big flavor and good texture. Braise in a flavorful sauce! The secret to rich, addictive slow-cooked lamb shanks is in the sauce.

What to cook first in hotpot? ›

Put meat or fish balls into the hotpot first.

These will take around 5 minutes total to cook, so give them a head start before adding other ingredients. The balls should puff up and float once they're finished cooking. Always use caution when adding food to the hotpot because the broth could splash and cause burns.

Do you drink the broth in Hotpot? ›

You can drink the broth throughout your meal or save it until the end when it's soaked up all the lovely flavours from your ingredients. Remember, it's a communal meal, so don't be greedy! Share out the food and enjoy the experience together.

What are the main ingredients in hot pots? ›

Hot pot is considered a main course and is usually served without rice or noodles on the side. Hot pots can be prepared and eaten at home or in a restaurant. Typical hot pot ingredients include thinly sliced meat, leaf vegetables, mushrooms, vermicelli, sliced potatoes, bean products, egg dumplings, tofu, and seafood.

What temperature does Gordon Ramsay cook lamb? ›

Cooking instructions

You can cook the lamb straight away, but if you have time, cover and leave to marinate for at least 1 hour, or even overnight. Preheat the oven to 160°C/Gas 3. Heat a large casserole dish on the hob and add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

What are three methods of cooking lamb? ›

Simple Techniques to Grill, Braise or Roast Lamb | American Lamb Board.

Should lamb be cooked slow or fast? ›

Slow cooking in liquid transforms tougher cuts of lamb into fork-tender meat. Neck, shoulder and belly, either diced or as whole joints, are the best cuts for slow cooking and need to be cooked for at least 2 hrs at 150C to soften the meat.


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