Juicing For Hormone Imbalance: A Complete Guide with Recipes (2024)

Juicing For Hormone Imbalance: A Complete Guide with Recipes (1)

You’ve been “managing” your symptoms and can’t even recall what life was like without hormonal issues. You want to turn things around and you want one thing that you can do to start feeling better. If this sounds like you, then it’s time to learn about the why and how of juicing for hormone imbalance.

I can tell you from experience – both for my own health and a dear client who was able to drastically improve her blood sugar by 100 points within two weeks – that juicing is one of the most impactful things you can do for your hormones.

So, in this article I’m going to share with you:

  • The 3 main reasons why juicing should be part of your hormone balance diet plan.
  • What to include in your juices.
  • Juice recipes that you can use to get started.
  • How to make juices even if you don’t have a juicer.

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1. Supplies a Large Quantity and Diversity of Nutrients

Your body needs nutrients in order to:

  • Make hormones.
  • Get rid of toxins and other contaminants that are messing with your hormones.
  • Reduce chronic inflammation and elevated cortisol (which can negatively affect fertility, weight, blood sugar, sleep, energy levels and much more).

In many cases, it can be difficult to get enough of those nutrients simply from eating healthy. And this is where juicing can be a life-saver because it gives you a lot more nutrients that you could eat in one go.

To illustrate what I mean, look at it this way:

  • Let’s say you make a 16-ounce glass of carrot juice (this is a typical serving size for juice).
  • To make that amount of carrot juice, you would need about 4 large carrots, or about 7 medium carrots.

Now which one are you more likely to do in one go: eat 7 medium carrots or drink a glass of juice?

Definitely drinking a glass of juice is much easier and far more enjoyable!

And that one glass of juice gives you plenty of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes that your body is craving.

That’s the beauty of juicing.

NOTE: this only applies to homemade fresh juices (or freshly made at a real juice bar). Traditional, store-bought juices don’t provide this benefit because they are pasteurized. The pasteurization kills most of the nutrients.

2. Easy to Absorb

One of the most common things that happen when you start drinking fresh juices is that you get a rush of energy (sometimes before you even put the glass down).

This stems from the fact that juicing preserves all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and all around goodness that is in fruits and veggies.

In addition, juicing preserves soluble fiber (which is easy to digest), while discarding insoluble fiber (which is slower to digest).

End result? With no insoluble fiber present in the juice, your body absorbs everything else very quickly.

So, those nutrients can get into your bloodstream and start working their natural magic 🙂

This is particularly helpful if your digestive system is not functioning optimally. Juicing allows you get nutrients without having to put further stress on your digestive system.

NOTE: even though juicing doesn’t preserve insoluble fiber, this isn’t a bad thing. Remember that the juice is just one of many things that you consume. As long as your diet is well-rounded, you will still get all the insoluble fiber that you need from other foods and meals.

3. Gut-Friendly

As mentioned in this guide to gut health and hormones, the gut is a key player in hormone production and detoxification.

As a result, it’s not surprising that hormonal imbalance and gut imbalance tend to go hand-in-hand.

Thankfully, juices are incredibly beneficial for the gut because they contain soluble fiber, some of which act as prebiotics.

Now, if you’re not familiar with prebiotics, they are basically the “fertilizer” that promote the growth of probiotics (i.e. gut bacteria). Some foods that contain prebiotics – and also taste good in juices – include ginger, fennel, apples, grapefruit and cabbage.

Having a healthy gut flora is a must for hormone balance because the gut:

  • Makes hormones like serotonin and dopamine.
  • Regulates the production of hormones like cortisol, leptin and ghrelin.
  • Controls estrogen metabolism.
  • Regulates how much estrogen circulates in the body.
  • Controls how much estrogen is excreted from the body.


Juicing For Hormone Imbalance: A Complete Guide with Recipes (2)

Now we’re on to the million dollar question: which juice is best for balancing hormones?

The simple answer is: any juice you can get your hands on and drink consistently. Truly!

As I mentioned earlier, when balancing your hormones your goal is to pile up those nutrients.

Even though no two fruits or veggies have the exact same nutrients in the exact same quantities, they all contain what you need most:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Antioxidants
  • Enzymes

One more item to include in the must-haves is chlorophyll. This is the compound that makes foods green. And it’s also great for detoxification.

So, including green foods like celery, cucumbers, parsley, spinach and so on, in your juices will give you that beneficial chlorophyll.

Now, to wrap up this section, here are some foods that are fun to juice, as well as what they contribute to a juice (other than plenty of nutrients!).

IngredientsBenefits & Characteristics
AppleAdds natural sweetness. Any variety works.
BeetrootAdds natural sweetness. Tends to make your pee and bowel movements red.
CabbageHas a surprisingly mild flavor that combines well with other fruits or veggies.
CeleryHigh in water. Has a strong, salty taste. Best combined with other juices.
High in water, very refreshing and mild-tasting. Combines well with celery and helps to camouflage the saltiness from celery.
Adds a nice little “kick” to juices. Start off with a small amount (like ½ inch piece) to see how you like it.
Lemons and Limes
Great for enhancing the naturally sweet flavors in the juice, while also tempering less pleasant flavors from things like celery or cilantro, for example.
OrangesAdds natural sweetness. Any variety works.
SpinachAdds a beautiful green color and a mild flavor.
WheatgrassAdds a vibrant green color and an earthy, bitter flavor (best to combine it with sweet ingredients like apples or pineapples).


Juicing For Hormone Imbalance: A Complete Guide with Recipes (3)

The recipes in this section use mainly carrots, apples and celery, with a few alternating ingredients to make vibrant, red juices (both juices look very similar in color). Give them a try!

Also, if you need a reliable and good quality juicer, the one I use is this Breville Juice Fountain. One of my favorite things about it is that it has a froth separator and the chute is large enough to fit wider items like a medium sized apple (very convenient and speeds up the juicing process!).

Revitalizing Red Juice


½ large celery stalk

½ lime (with skin)

1 small to medium-sized beet (peeled)

2 small apples (I used galas)

2 large carrots (with skin)


  1. Run all the ingredients through your juicer.
  2. Pour into a glass and drink immediately.

Revitalizing Red Juice – Remixed

This recipe is quite similar to the one above except that we’re swapping lime for lemon and we’re replacing the beets with cabbage.


½ large celery stalk

½ lemon (with skin)

1/4 of a purple cabbage

2 large carrots (with skin)

3 small apples (I used galas)


  1. Run all the ingredients through your juicer and then drink immediately.


Green juices don’t have to have only green ingredients. But you definitely want the green ingredients to make up most of the recipe (about 60% or more).

Here’s a simple recipe to get you started.


3 celery stalks

½ large cucumber

1 green apple


  1. Juice all the ingredients and drink immediately.
Juicing For Hormone Imbalance: A Complete Guide with Recipes (4)


If you don’t have a juicer you can still enjoy juices by using your blender and cheesecloth (or a nut milk bag). Here’s how to go about it:

  • Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until the mixture is smooth. If absolutely necessary add a little water, ideally do this without added water.
  • Blending will take some time so be patient 🙂
  • Pour the blender contents into cheesecloth or a nut milk bag.
  • Using your hands, squeeze out the juice into a bowl or large container.
  • Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy!

Please be aware that this method works best with high water foods, like pineapples, watermelons and cucumbers.

For other foods like lemons or oranges – which you can put into a juicer without peeling – you will need to squeeze out the juice by hand.

As for tougher foods like kale, this method isn’t the best.

Using the blender isn’t a perfect substitute for a juicer, but it works for basic ingredients.


Is juicing better than blending?

Juicing concentrates nutrients, preserves soluble fiber and discards insoluble fiber. On the other hand blending preserves both soluble and insoluble fiber, but is less concentrated in nutrients. So, ounce for ounce, juicing provides a lot of nutrients and less fiber, while blending provides a lot of fiber with a lesser amount of other nutrients. Both are helpful for overall health and vitality.

Can you lose weight by juicing?

Juicing can help to improve nutritional deficiencies that contribute to hormone-related issues like weight gain. It’s important to remember that juicing should not be used as a meal replacement. Rather its purpose is to re-nourish the body and so that it can naturally shed unnecessary weight.


Adding one 16 ounce serving of green juice to your hormone balancing diet will help you “eat” more veggies, as well as soothe your digestive system and gut.

Experiment with the recipes provided in this article. And if you prefer, start with a single vegetable juice – such as carrot juice or celery juice.

You don’t have to make a blend. Just start incorporating this into your routine and you’ll be well on your way to feeling better.

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Juicing For Hormone Imbalance: A Complete Guide with Recipes (2024)


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1. Lemon Water. If you're looking for a naturally healthy option for hormonal balance drinks, lemon infused water can be a great place to start. Your hormones can be thrown out of sync if your digestive tract is upset by your diet.

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Fruit juices, herbal teas, and nutritious seeds can add flavor to your day and help balance your hormones. Many different fruits, plants, and herbs have unique medicinal properties.

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Top 10 foods to restore hormone balance
  • Cruciferous vegetables. ...
  • Eat good fats daily. ...
  • Eat a rainbow of vegetables. ...
  • Eat quality protein at every meal. ...
  • Eat 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds daily. ...
  • Eat whole fruit in moderation. ...
  • Include herbs and spices in your foods. ...
  • Eat wholegrain fibrous carbohydrates.

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Cloves contain a lot of manganese, a mineral that helps your body manage the enzymes that help repair your bones and make hormones. Manganese can also act as an antioxidant that protects your body from harmful free radicals (unstable atoms that cause cell damage).

Which drink is best for hormonal balance? ›

Milk Thistle Tea

This supports hormone balance by keeping estrogen levels healthy and prevents symptoms of estrogen dominance. Milk thistle is considered a bitter herb that supports gut health by stimulating digestion, making it a great choice before or after meals to support healthy digestion too.

What should I drink first in the morning for hormone balance? ›

Drinks that help with hormonal imbalance: lemon water Warm lemon water, rich in vitamin C, can help you feel more energetic. Lemons also regulate hormones such as glucose and leptin. It is advisable to drink a glass of warm lemon water first thing in the morning.

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Try these tips:
  1. Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet involves:
  2. Choose portion sizes wisely. Even when you're making healthy choices, calories add up. ...
  3. Replace sugary drinks. Drink water or other beverages without sugar instead.
  4. Get active.

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Is it possible to reset hormones to encourage weight loss?
  1. Eating a healthy diet. Consuming fruits, vegetables and whole grains can be super beneficial in improving your hormonal balance and regulating insulin levels. ...
  2. Getting enough exercise. ...
  3. Medications. ...
  4. Improving sleep. ...
  5. Reducing stress levels.
May 15, 2024

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The 14 Day Hormone Detox is a comprehensive, science-based nutritional program designed by physicians to support safe and effective detoxification. This is accomplished by providing the nutrients needed to support and balance phase I and II metabolic pathways and to promote healthy liver function and elimination.

Can ginger cure hormonal imbalance? ›

Ginger is beneficial for different diseases and symptoms, including irregular periods. Regular consumption of raw ginger can help to regulate your periods. Ginger contains gingerol that helps lower inflammation in the body. It helps in contracting the uterine muscles and facilitates hormonal balance.

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Maintains LH/FSH ratio:

One of the hormonal imbalances frequently observed in women with PCOS is an elevated LH (Luteinizing Hormone) to FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) ratio. Apple cider vinegar is believed to have a role in reducing the LH/FSH ratio.

Which fruit cure hormonal imbalance? ›

Avocado is one of the nutritious fruit types which helps build strength and energy in the body. But also, avocado helps gain hormonal balance easily with its energy groups. It is a globally known fruit type that can be added to bread toast or made as a smoothie.

How can I fix my hormonal balance fast? ›

How to Naturally Balance Your Hormones
  1. Get enough protein. Proteins provide amino acids that your body cannot make on its own and are needed to produce peptide hormones. ...
  2. Exercise regularly. ...
  3. Maintain a moderate weight. ...
  4. Watch your gut health. ...
  5. Lower sugar intake. ...
  6. Reduce stress. ...
  7. Get enough sleep. ...
  8. Eat healthy fats.

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Magnesium is Essential to Balancing Hormones
  • Dark leafy greens.
  • Seeds like flax, pumpkin, and chia.
  • Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and black beans.
  • Avocados.
  • Dark Chocolate.

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Vitamins B12, B6, and B3 are essential in helping to regulate hormones. Vitamin B12 helps to create the adrenal hormones adrenaline and cortisol, while vitamin B6 is essential in regulating estrogen levels. Vitamin B3 helps to detoxify excess amounts of steroid hormones, reducing the risk of hormone imbalances.


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.